Poverty In America Is Real and More Common Than You May Think
Over 11 million families throughout the United States are living in poverty. This means that they struggle each and every day just to live. Buying necessities like food, water, clothing and gas can prove to be a very big struggle.
When children grow up in a poverty stricken environment, they often lack the same educational abilities as children who don’t grow up in poverty. This means that children living in poverty can often slip behind other children in school and be forced to struggle in order to attempt to succeed.
Life In Color works diligently to help children throughout America who are living in poverty. Offering educational materials, voucher assistance, food, clean water, clothing and other essentials.
In addition to helping poverty stricken families and children with life’s essentials, LIC also helps children with early learning as early education is extremely important in aiding in the success of a child’s educational journey.
LIC helps supply educational materials, school supplies and helps children as young as 5 enter into early child education. It’s a proven fact that if a child attends preschool and Kindergarten, they are more apt to stay in school through high school and graduate.
With the cost of living being at one of the highest points we have ever seen in our lifetime, your support and help is needed right now – more than it has ever been needed before. Now is the time. We can make a difference.
America Is Not Immune To Serious Child Hunger Issues
A hungry child is not set up for success. A child who is worried about where their next meal is coming from and dealing with hunger pains and sickness is not focusing on education. Life In Color partners with various organizations in order to prevent child hunger throughout the United States. When we combat hunger, we are able to focus on early education and in return – we help give children the foundation they need to succeed in life.
Bringing people together to end poverty.
We provide disadvantaged children with the skills they need to build a better future for themselves and their communities. Children and youth develop the skills and confidence they need to establish potential lives free of poverty thanks to the generosity of our donors and sponsors.
Food For The Starving
We help provide food all around the world through our partnerships and donations

Health Care For The Sick
We help provide medical care all around the world through our partnerships and donations

Water For Those Without
We help provide water all around the world through our partnerships and donations

Education For All Children
We help provide education all around the world through our partnerships and donations

Safety From Abusers
We help provide safety locations around the world through partnerships and donations.

For Physically Disabled
We help provide for physically disabled children around the world through partnerships and donations.

Support for Safety Havens
Playgrounds and recreation centers are typically inaccessible to children in poverty. They're also more likely to be exposed to violence, gangs, and drugs at a young age. Your assistance can help provide a safe, clean, and uplifting environment in which children may learn and grow away from the stresses of the outside world.

Give A Gift. And Change A Life
Poverty has many levels, and there are numerous ways you may assist overcome the barriers that have trapped children and families for decades. Children and teens are learning the skills and confidence they need to build greater futures for themselves and their communities thanks to the help of people like you.

Every Child Deserves A Chance
Every child, is entitled to a bright future. That's why, everyday we do everything we can to guarantee that children grow up healthy, learning, and safe. Especially those who are the most difficult to approach. However, without your help, we won't be able to complete this critical task.

Change Lives
Your contribution allows children to build a better future not just for themselves, but also for their families and communities. You make a difference in their lives by allowing them to see beyond their daily difficulties with poverty.